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Instructional Strategies and Techniques for teaching Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences

Dr. Mariamma Mathew    Year : 2018


We are living in the age of rapid development of science and technology. Science is considered as a compulsory subject in the school curriculum and hence science teaching is holding a profound position everywhere. A science teacher has an important role in inculcating scientific values and scientific interest among students. This book envisages almost all areas of science teaching, new techniques and approaches. This book also contains Techno-Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) in science education which is a framework developed by Schulman (1986). The book has 16 chapters written in an easy-to-understand language. It discusses in detail various aspects of science teaching in relation to educational psychology, philosophy, sociology and technology. The text covers the entire revised B. Ed syllabus of Biological and Physical Sciences of University of Kerala, Mahatma Gandhi University, Calicut University and University of Tamil Nadu and hence it can be used by all teacher educators and student teachers of the entire nation. This book is exhaustive in the sense that it is useful for a two year B. Ed programme also. The first chapter of the book contains Nature, Development and Scope of Science, the second chapter deals with Aims and Objectives of teaching science which includes the revised Bloom’s version and technology integrated taxonomy of instructional objectives. The third chapter contains Methods, approaches and Techniques of teaching science and the fourth chapter deals with Practices in Teaching and Learning. Models of Teaching in science learning are included in the fifth chapter and the sixth chapter deals with Curriculum in Science Education. The seventh chapter deals with Instructional support and resource materials for teaching science. Modern Instructional approaches and e-resources in science classrooms are included in chapter eight. A new area named Techno Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) is included in chapter nine. Chapter ten says about Planning for Instruction and chapter eleven deals with Essential requirements for teaching and learning and tools for its enhancement. Fundamentals of assessment and evaluation in the science classrooms are included in chapter twelve. The concept of Weaving ICT and networking in science classrooms is the idea in chapter thirteen. Chapter fourteen includes Professionalising science education by a modern science teacher. A new idea which can be practiced in the teacher education programme namely Science, technology and Society (STS) in the science classroom is highlighted. Chapter fifteen deals with Science, technology and Society (STS) in the science classroom, while Chapter sixteen covers comparative science education worldwide. Chapter seventeen deals with technology integration – a need of the hour. The rest three chapters deal with the advanced level and trends in science education such as multiple perspectives in science education, research inputs and advanced technology in science education.


Meaning of Science

Nature of Science

Product and Process aspects of Science

Areas of knowledge related to Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Globalisation and science

Path breaking discoveries and development of science – India and abroad

Great scientists in the field of physical and biological sciences

Emerging branches of science

Importance of science as a school subject

Different values of teaching science

Science for sustainable development

General aims and objectives of teaching science

Broad aims of teaching science to fulfill the national goals of education

Aims and Objectives of teaching science with respect to NCF(2005) and KCF(2007)

Taxonomy of Instructional Objectives

Origin – Bloom’s taxonomy (1956), Mc Cormack and Yager (1989), Technology Integrated taxonomy (1999), Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001).

Process skills in science at secondary stage

Developing process skills in schools

Scientific attitude and means for fostering them

Thinking skills – critical, reflective and creative

  1. Methods:

Teacher Initiated:

Lecture method

Lecture-demonstration method

Historical and Biographical method

Student initiated;

Problem solving method

Project method

Guided discovery method

Individual laboratory method

Heuristic method

Assignment method

Development method

Dalton Plan

  1. Approaches

Inductive and deductive approaches

Analogy, Analytic and synthetic approaches

Multimedia approach

Interdisciplinary approach

Constructive approach

  1. Techniques:



Group discussion

Panel discussion


Brain storming

Peer tutoring

Team teaching

Concept mapping

Role Play



Buzz session

Computer Assisted Instruction

Programmed Instruction

Teaching Machines


Steps of Scientific method

Elements of scientific method

Corroboration and Falsification

Logical aspects of scientific method

Technical aspects of scientific method

Mill’s canons of Induction

Transfer of training

Interdependence of teaching and learning

Teaching and Learning according to Behaviourist, Cognitive and constructivist points of view

Basic teaching model of Glaser

Maxims of teaching

Critical Pedagogy

Issue Based teaching

Problem Based Learning

Managing group learning in classroom

Activity based learning

Role of experiments in science

Changing concept of classroom environment

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

Psychological theories for learning science according to Piaget, Bruner, Gagne, Vygotsky, Ausubel

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence

Introduction to models of teaching

Elements and families of Models of teaching

Concept Attainment Model

Inquiry Training Model

Role Play Model

Advance Organiser Model

5E Model of BSCS – Constructivist Model

Inductive Thinking Model

Meaning of curriculum

Curriculum and Syllabus

General Principles of curriculum construction

Organisation of the curriculum

Types of curriculum

Subject centered, Activity centered, Integrated and Hidden curriculum

Approaches to curriculum Organization

Concentric plan, Spiral curriculum, Type study, Topical approach,

Historical approach, Nature study, Nature rambling,

General science and Disciplinary approach

Interdisciplinary approach

Movement down along a road

Swing of a pendulum

Core curriculum

Separate subject curriculum

Modern Trends in curriculum construction

State curriculum (SCERT)

National curriculum (NCERT)

Biological Science Curriculum Study (BSCS)

Nuffield Project

Physical Science Study Committee (PSSC)

CHEM Study

Science- A Process Approach (SAPA)

Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education (CASE)

Incidental and Systematic Correlation

Correlation of science with other subjects

Meaning, need and significance of community based resources

Formal science learning contexts:

Importance and organization of library, school library and class library

Web resources for accessing information

Importance and organization of science laboratory

Need and importance of field trips

Science fairs and exhibitions

Significance and organization of science clubs

Informal learning contexts:

Parks, museum, historical monuments, play ground, music room, planetarium,, ANERT

Zoo, Botanical gardens, Agrifarms, hospital, krishibhavan, and research centres

Natural resources:

Ponds, lakes, rivers, sea, forest, wet land, mangroves, sacred grooves

Governmental and nongovernmental organizations for popularizing science

Qualities of a good science text book

Vogel’s criteria and Fog index

Handbook for teachers

Workbook for learners

Reference books and supplementary readers

Learning module and websites

ICT based resource materials

Modern instructional approaches:

Cooperative learning

Collaborative learning

Jigsaw technique

Circle learning

Concept mapping

Think pair and share

Meaning of Learning Management System (LMS)

Identification of e-resources


Course ware

Free soft wares in science

Steps in e-content development

Educational entrepreneurship

Career possibilities for trained graduates and post graduate science students

Extension education

Identifying and nurturing the gifted and creative children

National Science Talent Search Scheme

Science education for slow learners and fast learners

Meaning, scope, purpose, objectives and steps of PCKA

Techno-Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis (TPCKA) Paradigm

Interrelationship of different areas of TPCKA

Principles of student efforts in learning

Opportunity for maximum student effort


Objective Based Instruction

Interdependence of objectives, learning experiences and evaluation

Year Plan, Unit Plan and Resource Unit

Purpose of Lesson Plans

Herbartian format of lesson plan

Constructivist and Behaviourist format of lesson plans

Prerequisites for learning

Teaching skills

Definition, principles and steps of microteaching

Development of teaching skills

Relevance of microteaching in teacher training programme

Link Practice

Audio Visual aids and its importance

Learning aids

Designing, developing and documenting graphic aids

Projected aids and improvised aids

Activity aids

Conceptual analysis of classroom management

Physical arrangement of different types of instruction

Time management in classroom

Objective Based Evaluation

Forms of questions

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

Rubrics for assessment of different types of activities conducted inside and outside the classrooms

Assessment of thinking skills

Assessment of process skills

Assessment of student’s self reflection, feedback and peer evaluation

Competency Based Evaluation

Evaluation of non cognitive areas; Interest, attitude and skill

Measures of Central Tendency

Meaning and Interpretation of correlation

Graphical representation of data

Construction of achievement test

Diagnostic test and remedial measures

Criteria and norm referenced tests

Principles, Use and goals of e-learning

How the web will change the science classrooms?

Explanation and designing of digital texts

Digital resources in science

ICT and multimedia as technology enhanced communication devices in the teaching of science

Networking as a means of collaborative growth

Meaning and purpose of online learning

Qualities, duties and responsibilities of a science teacher

Teaching as a profession

Traits of professionalism

Different roles of a science teacher as a professional and teacher competencies

Role of NCERT and SCERT in professional growth of teachers

Professional organizations of teachers

Internet resources and websites for professional growth of teachers

Meaning, importance and means of reflective practices

Teacher as a reflective practitioner

Meaning and scope of online assessment

Competitive examinations for secondary students and teachers

Educational entrepreneurship

Science and society

Science as a social Endeavour

Scientific literacy

Dual role of science (emancipator and oppressive)

Role of science teacher in eradicating misconceptions and superstitions in society

Complementarities between science and technology

Non formal science education

Developing scientific temper among the people in society

Strategies for teaching STS in the classroom